
Gardhams offers services to Clients from a range of industry sectors, some of which are scattered across the UK. We have been working with our customers from the Company's infancy; we believe this is testament to the high level of service and workmanship that we provide. 

In more recent years, we have gained contracts through local authorities, including Braintree and Colchester Council, enabling us to work closely with other trades in the area, which is good for the local economy.

Through dedication and hard work we are in conversation with the Imperial War Museum, who are interested in what Gardhams can offer to such iconic buildings. We are confident, that over the coming years, we will be able to show case our expertise in locations, such as, the Churchill War Rooms and IWM Duxford. 

Below is a small selection of our clients.

Founded in 1799 Greene King is the country’s leading pub retailer and brewer with over 3000 pubs, restaurants and hotels. Gardhams have worked continuously with Greene King on various works for over fourteen years.
Britain’s oldest brewer with over three hundred pubs throughout the Southeast of England Gardhams have provided maintenance services for Shepherd Neame for almost ten years.
Founded in 1979 Wetherspoons own just under one thousand outlets in the UK. For over eight years Gardhams have provided a range of services including major refurbishments through to routine repairs and maintenance.
Essex Police is one of the largest non-metropolitan police forces in the UK with an operational area of 1400 square miles. With security clearance, Gardhams have undertaken a variety of refurbishment work for over five years.
One of the largest Fire and Rescue services in the country and with around fifty stations our relationship with Essex Fire & Rescue covers almost ten years of work consisting of major refurbishment, external works and decoration.
Yorkshire Building Society has two hundred and forty two outlets throughout the UK. For almost ten years Gardhams have worked on a variety of projects throughout England for the country’s third largest building society.
Now owned by The Yorkshire Building Society, Gardhams have undertaken aseries of works to their thirty five properties predominantly in the  London and the south East area.


Recent News

Stay up to date with Gardhams!

  • March 2021
    We are happy to report that we have received our certificate of Health & Safety Accreditation under the SSIP (Safety Schemes In Procurement). This certifies that we have achieved the standards in health & safety competence required by Stage 1 of Appendix 4 of the Approved Code of Practice to the Construction (Design & Management).
  • March 2021
    Back in 2016 Gardhams increased its public liability insurance cover to £10 million. Nowadays, this is the norm, to ensure our clients are satisfied we can protect our projects by having the necessary cover. The Public Liability and Employers Liability insurance are both now set at £10 million.
  • November 2019
    Our Specialists are all qualified in their respective fields and provide an excellent addition to our own team.